Admiralty Antiques collect the largest variety of Chinese Furniture -Antique and Contemporary pieces in Sydney Australia. We specialise at famous Chinese coloured and lacquered pieces with artwork including cabinets, Sideboards, Console Altar Tables, Bedside Side Tables, Coffee tables, Chairs and benches, Chinese Boxes etc.
Traditional Chinese furniture generally refers to a wide variety of pieces made during the Ming and Qing dynasties, from the end of the 14th century through to the beginning of the 20th century. It includes tables, cabinets, chairs, stools and bedframes, as well as other furnishings used in domestic settings. Materials, condition, age and provenance are the greatest determining factors of value.
These Chinese antique furniture is by exquisite design, unique craftsmanship and detailed carving. It has been the rare historical treasure and one of the most splendid components of oriental culture.